A key purpose for the people of God is to know the times and the seasons and know what the people of God should be doing in this time. 1 Chron 12:32

I sense the particular ‘word’ which will be a key to understanding the plans and purposes of God in this time and the coming season is REST.

God told us about rest. Even He chose to rest. Why? What does it mean? It means cease – from yourself.

The 7th day was made holy because he rested
(Gen 2:2-4)

The Fall resulted in restlessness (Gen 4:12) – separateness from God results in restlessness – of course it would! .

In Leviticus rest was a command – no work – indicating a holiness, individuals choosing to cease from their own abilities, setting themselves apart, belonging to God, trusting. Rest is a sign of who we are and where we are with God.

We need spiritual as well as physical rest – God didn’t have a physical body but he still rested. Why? – so He could enjoy what He had made. Being still – resting is a sign of God and the people of God should emanate that – in the world – as well as in our lives.

We should permeate the atmosphere around with the rest of God as we rest in God. God has the agenda for our lives – Jer 29:11 – resting enables him to speak to us, prepare us and enable us to be equipped to go out again and do the works that He has prepared for us in advance.

Even Jesus rested – many times. It was essential to Him personally and for Him to be able to do ministry.

As the people of God – time and time again – went their own way and chose the ‘human’ ‘flesh’ way of doing things so God would speak and call them back to rest and restoration to the person, purpose and presence of God.

We love to dig our own wells and light our own fires – and the prophets were called to rebuke the people of God because of it.

Isaiah 50:11

11 But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches,
go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze.
This is what you shall receive from my hand:
You will lie down in torment.

Jeremiah 2:13

13 “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me,
the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

It’s now the same message for us today. This generation is busier than any other at any time. Rest is ordained from heaven and the people of God need to take note and choose rest.

Soaking sessions are taking off all over the world. Why? It’s a prophetic response to the prophetic word of God – speaking to people’s hearts and they are responding. It’s about entering the rest – the presence and power of God – Emmanuel.

Christine Larkin

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